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samiyah said:

Exactly why would you say No to India?? It just says that you do know India is good and its even better then what your country can offer for your stars. Nusrat and Junoon are the only ones who made themeselves popular outside of pakistan but the other stars didnt stand a chance unless someone wanted to explore sufism again. All them were just invited for peace related issues once all that ends your back to square one wiht our teachings! Those stars only have hope from India because even Strings after coming to India got a contract with Spiderman 2 through sony. As for Pooja Bhatt she did it for the peace process, her family from the beggining including her father always wanted both countries to get along and they both condenmed anti-paki movies and she wanted to only use pakistani music when faisel who had contacts in the indian industry started passing his demo tape around and becausae her husband happened to be friends wiht faisel thought the sufi music would go perfect with the movie and its theme! no one from their was dying and waiting for a pakistani to come and sing a song for them it just so happened it came their way and what better way to improve peace, raise publicity and use it in the movie when it's right in their front of their face! After you read the article you will see that it was them who made an indian listen to the tape and they were about to put away the songs and give up till they got their chance and someone actually appreciated and liked it and they proved themselves. You should be thankful india is giving your people the opportunity to show their talents off because in your country their talents arent even appreciated until now people in your country are beggining to give your people the respect they should have deserved way before we came into the picture!
your film industry could have done better if they had confidence in their own people, even today javed sheikh is making movies wiht lots of confidence because he knows indian's are helping him and he has the right camera's, talents, guidance he needs, he knows now that he makes a movie it will be viewed without having to worry if your people like it!

what im sayin' is not sinking in samiyah. lol

when our stars are asked to come...they agree. they they can conquer another market. that is why they dont say 'no.'

as for pakistani stars not standing a chance unless 'someone wnated to explore sufism' - thats a given. unless someone shows interest in your product, you dont stand a chance - especially on an international stage. similarly, unless 'someone wanted to explore bollywood' india's cinema didn't stand a chance. u (indians) didn't do it on your own.

u seem to be under the impression that indians 'use' pakistani talent - for the peace process or for whatever reason. did u ever stop to think that we USE YOU? LOL. strings is a prime example...they promote 'DHANI' in india, and get noticed. they create music for SM2 as a result, collect a healthy paycheck, and come RIGHT BACK HOME TO PAKISTAN!!! outside of adnan sami...all pakistani stars use the platform provided by the indian media to make some green, and come home! theres nothin' wrong with that! we provide u with the TALENT and u provide us with the means to promote it. give and take my friend.

as 4 paap....u proved nothing. as u read urself....despite what was going to happend to the song, it was pooja bhat and/or her dad who asked rahat do donate it to the movie. not the other way around.

now here's an article for u....
Posted 19 Nov 2004


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lol. is this a joke or r u guys serious?! how can u break ur ribcage by hugging someone?! i don't mean 2 be disrespectful, but i'm just wondering....
Posted 19 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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well therez no way u can stop a dog from barking...

the hell you can't!!!!! i've stopped 2 already and now i'm workin' on the 3rd. lol. i shut her up in one topic, and now i'll have her quiet in the adnan sami one, in no time! (j/k)
Posted 19 Nov 2004

Topic: Culture...


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cultural change in marriage patterns:

thanks to the indian media (which in turn is HEAVILY influenced by the west), pakistan is witnessing a significant shift from tradiional views on marriage (arranged marriage) to a more liberal view on it. now more and more love marriages take place, and its seen as 'modern.'

cultural change in costumes:

thanks (again) to indian media, through which, men and woman are seen wearing western outfits, you see less and less traditional clothing such as salvaar kameeze, and sari's in pakistan (and india). because americans wear tighter outfits, and more revealing outfits, indians have followed suit, and pakistan in turn is also being affected.'ll notice fashion designers now design salvaars to mimmick pants, and kurta's to mimmick shirts. so even tho the dress is meant to be tradional - they're inspired by western clothes.

cultural change in belief system:

i don't think this has changed too much. religion has remained in tact in pakistan. obviously there are certain groups that are calling for change and they want to modernize, but the majority of pakistani's follow the same belief system they did back in the day.

same with the other two. not too much change in housing/dwelling (maybe more modern areas like defense are beginning to emerge, but other than that....not too much change there) and same with kinship.

overall....pakistan is making a shift towards a culture based on consumption: this means that your status in society is based primarily on how much you spend, and what you spend it on. and most people are spending their $$$ on western-inspired items bcecause this is widely accepted as 'modernizing.'   

hope that helps sal fan. if i was unclear, or if u can't use any of this....sorry. lol.

i have some articles and sites which prove what i said. you might find them useful? if u need 'em, say the word...
Posted 19 Nov 2004

Topic: Culture...


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well...the bottom line is: western or more specifically, american media, influence not only pakistani culture, but every other third world culture as well.

how do they do this? through technological advancement in communications. they are looked upon as the standard by most other countries, because they have the means to communicate quick and easy. and they use these means (tv, internet, radio, newspapers etc. - all which are easily accessed by third world countries) to impose their views and beleifs (directly or indirectly).

i'll explain more in my next post
Posted 19 Nov 2004


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samiyah said:

i never said they were not asked or invited i said they choose to come to india! it was their choice at the moment to choose whether they wanted to come to india and get fame or stay in pakistan and choose not to and stay in the dark. ofcourse india is gonna, they are always looking for opportunity to improve their sales and their name, especially now to improve peace relations. its your actors who are choosing to make their career better and they know going to india is their only option if they want to get recognized. if your actors believed that your country could do so much for them they would have stuck there and waited to get famous but they choose to come to india where their fame was instantly given to them and they knew their talent would be respected and recognized. india doesnt need them for their talent, india wants them for the money they are gonna make off of them and for the recognition they will get for making the first move towards making relations better, india is benefitting more by making sure that when your actors get here they know they are in india where their dreams will come true and they can always be thankful to india!

ofcourse they 'choose' to go to india. when you're asked...why would you say no? they're not jackasses. lol.

are you telling me that rahat fateh ali khan, ali azmat, maummar rana, ghulam ali, reema, and so on, were not famous BEFORE they came 2 india?! LOL i suppose NFAK was also not famous b4 he came to india right? lol. they were freakin' allstars in pakistan having made a HUGE name for themselves. then when they were ASKED to come 2 india...they did so, in order to conquer another market - which they did. nothing wrong with that. they don't 'owe' india anything.

india doesn't want them for their talent? LOL. oh samiyah...whats wrong with u?! are you aware that pooja bhat and her husband heard the garbage that anu malik made for her movie, and she was disgusted? LOL. then her husband suggested crossing the boarder and asking the former vital sign member to not only RE-DO the music, but also suggest other pakistani singers to help out: enter rahat, and ali azmat! FACT is.....we have ALOT more talent when it comes to music. shortly after paap....some bollywood director made a movie called rakht, and guess what.....he came lookin' 4 the pakistani band AAROH!! ya'll KNOW we kick ass when it comes to music. why can't u admit this? lol
Posted 18 Nov 2004


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i knew it was 2 good 2 be tru. lol
Posted 18 Nov 2004


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MANY people worked in bollywood b4 the 'peace process' and they were megastars B4 that.
Posted 18 Nov 2004


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i agree. general zia has nothin' 2 do with lollywood and its state.
Posted 18 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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lol. mr. ricky nahi...MRS. ricky hai. lol. (j/k)

yaar...the reason i get so hyped 4 debates like this is cause some of thes people (ricky, and now this girl) are so cocky. in trying to make bollywood look good, they bash pakistan and its industry 4 no reason. mana ke bollywood superior hai, lekin why u gotta put down pakistan?? its almost as if they NEED to bash pakistan in order to feel good. and that pisses me off.

yeh log samaj te hain, ke if adnan sami left for india, poora pakistani entertainment industry bhi uske peechay aye ga. and thats clearly not tru.

Posted 18 Nov 2004


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lol. ok then, u suggest someone better!

keep in mind i like fuzon and mekaal hasan band from pakistan - their music is an east/west blend (classical). i don't mind if its u suggest something along these lines!
Posted 18 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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oh thats old man. u should see her now.

she seems 2 get darker ever time i see her. lol. but hey...she still looks good, and she's still pakistan's nightengale!

bro...the debate between me and samiyah has shifted into the topic abt adnan sami. LOL. she's given up on the other topic. LOL.
Posted 18 Nov 2004


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samiyah said:

...Anyhow this is a battle that will never end!

finally....something we agree on.
Posted 18 Nov 2004


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nobody asks our stars to come to india?! LOL.

samiyah, samiyah, samiyah....

last i checked, maummar was asked by that debutant director during a cricket game, to make an appearance in his movie.

last i checked, it was the organizers of that award show, who invited resham, reema, and javaid sheikh to attend.

last i checked, it was some indian producer who asked the late great NFAK to come 2 india and make the music for the film aur pyar ho gaya.

last i checked, it was pooja bhat who literally went out of her way to COME to pakistan and ask ali azmat and rahat fateh ali khan to do the music for paap.

last i checked it was some indian tv show that invited ghulam ali to be a judge for a singing contest.

these are but a few examples. ofcourse india offers a bigger platform to showcase talent (thanks to their media). but nobody's goin' ANYWHERE from pak, unless they're ASKED - with the exception of adnan sami.

and what a difference he made 2 a virtually non-existant indian pop music scene!! he breathed life into that industry (pop music). and now, ur after our kickass bands like strings, fuzon, aaroh and so on!! its aiight samiyah....u indians know ur movies. but pop music...dream on.
Posted 18 Nov 2004


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k hudz.....everyone seems 2 say try raghav so i'll try. i'll let u know 2morrow what i think!
Posted 18 Nov 2004


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holla, holla, holla!! i'm from the t-dot!!

go leafs go!!......i know, i know....there's a lockout but who gives a rats ass?! leafs rule! lol
Posted 18 Nov 2004

Topic: Culture...


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which culture we talkin' abt here?! pakistani?

i'm takin' mass communications in university. we just got thru learning abt mass media + cultural identity (how the media effects cultural change in the areas u listed). i might be able 2 help...
Posted 18 Nov 2004

Topic: Walking Tall


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LOL @ both of u.

so wats new peeps? i'm bored.

anyone see hadiqa on that musical show? she looks aiight, but WAY different from the way she used 2 look. i'm worried. lol
Posted 18 Nov 2004


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i read ur post in the other topic...

similar 2 how reema should remember who 'helps' her, india's pseudo pop industry should remember who helped them. b4 pakistan's adnan...ya'll had nothing!!!
Posted 18 Nov 2004


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lol. u ain't seen nothin' yet brotha...
Posted 18 Nov 2004


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samiyah said:

and yes india does copy hollywood there is not doubht about it and they admit it too!! unlike you people who dotn admit shyt!! As for Shahrukh khan being well known then tom cruise its true! why dont you watch his documentary teh beggining states how true it is and how true it is that india and bollywood are doing so good everyone knows about what they do and represent! Its hard to suck in but India and the actors in India are succeeding even if you dont like the new stuff they are presenting they are doing it becuase they are capable of it!

k. i managed to read this post. it was the shortest.

admitting that bollywood copy's is nothing to be proud of. lol. it just shows that the industry doesnt have the talent that you claim it does. the only thing its good @ is making money off of other peoples (hollywood) ideas. if that floats ur boat...great.

again....u seem to be putting too much stock in bollywood. everyone DOESN'T know abt it OR srk. ur being delusional if u think they do. u should have been there during my presentation on monday. our group mentioned bollywood and 35 people looked back @ us with blank looks on their face. LOL.

i'm not sayin' bollywood's unknown. but when u make a generalization like 'everyone knows what they do and what they represent' ur dreamin' in technicolor.

Posted 18 Nov 2004


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u honestly think anyones going 2 read the novel u just posted samiyah? lol

from a glance, it looks like most of it is from articles u managed to dig up.

we're not going 2 have an article-war here r we?! cause i got some good ones myself, from indian newspapers, that admit pakistan's dominance in terms of dramas and ESPECIALLY music.

Posted 18 Nov 2004


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lemme get this straight...i posted a pic that you don't have, scotchtape?! LOL (J/K)
Posted 18 Nov 2004


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lol. they're all right yaar. adnan sami has lost his creativity in our opinions.

anyhow....anyone hear ABBAS ALI KHAN?? he's a singer from pak and he sounds a little like adnan sami, and his music is similar too. u should listen to his song, 'teri sanson ne'
Posted 18 Nov 2004


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u KNOW i enjoy these topics bro!!!!

first it was springstepper, then it was that bombay character. lol. u see them around JB anymore?! lol. we'll add samiyah 2 that list 2 if she keeps bashing pakistan and its kickass entertainment industry. lol.

Posted 18 Nov 2004


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lol. i've read your comment again samiyah, and i can't stop laughing. lol.

'pakistan is a wannabe version of india.'

which country would india be a wannabe version of? there's too many to choose from. LOL.
Posted 18 Nov 2004


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SRK's doubt. but on the same level or better than tom cruise?! LOL. people around the world know who tom cruise is. u ask a white dude who srk is, and theyll look @ u like ur from mars. indians like you put WAY too much stock into bollywood. lol. srk=tom cruise

changing our senario's to 'compete' with india?! LOL. silly girl...there IS NO competition!! pakistani drama's are better, hands down. even indians know this. the only thing you have going for you in indian dramas is glamour. thats it. no story, no acting - nothing. pakistani dramas on the other hand: we had the stories...still do. we had the acting....still do. we have the direction...still do. and now we got glamour to boot!! competition?? i think not.

u say our channels like ARY, and Geo are 'copying' india's SONY?? another halfass comment. lol. even tho its not tru...pretend it is. big deal. indian's are no slouches when it comes to copying either. sony, zee, mtv etc. - all these indian channels are cheap immitations of american channels. hell...look @ the names of 90% of them. LOL. very original. lol.

my point is....people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. in your eyes.....we may be copying india. thats fine - its your opinion (even tho its not tru). but indians are no different...ya'll take the cake when it comes to mimicking.
Posted 18 Nov 2004


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samiyah said:

...Even today pakistani drama's suck and trying to copy indian dramas by making actors wear better clothes and better stage setups!! please get over being pakistan this and pakistan that because all pakistan can do is try to be like indian's and claim everything is pakistani! they just change the label to pakistani but it is actually indian!!


pakistani drama's are copyin' indian dramas through better clothes, and stage setups?? since when is upgrading wardrobe and setting seen as copying? and storline wise...pakistani dramas are leaps and bounds better than indian ones.

ur last comment is ludicrous, abt pakistanis presenting indian stuff as their own. i could say somethin, but i dont wanna start an india vs. pakistan debate, during a time when the two countries are finally making progress 2wards peace.

as 4 comparing the movies....i saw TPM - haven't seen VeerZara. but i agree with anyone who says u cant compare the two - one promotes peace, and the other did not.

Posted 17 Nov 2004


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hudz9 said:

well frndz....if u get time so chek out d indi pop once wid whole ur heart...not heart atleast mind Raghav the story teller last two songs... "Chod diya" and "Teri baaton mein"
well dis album is a blend of westo and indi pop even "cant get enuf" is kewl...i know fast pace music lovers will like itt...well off...nthng wrong in givin a try,rite dudes hav fun njoy adios

hudz yaar...i'll make u a deal!!

since ur are unaware of pakistani pop and i am unfamiliar with indian pop we'll give each other's suggestion(s) a try!

i'll download what u suggested ^^^ and whenever u get time, u could head over 2

if u like fast music...ALI ZAFAR's ur man! download his song, 'CHANNO.'

if u like an east and west blend...FUZON's ur choice! download their song 'SAAGAR' or 'TERE BINA'

if ur a REAL music lover....i HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend MEKAAL HASAN BAND's 'SAJAN' or 'SAMPOORAN' altho this band's music is a little slower, its VERY sophisticated, as it blends eastern classical with western jazz and rock. OUTSTANDING!!

do we have a deal?!    
Posted 17 Nov 2004


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Princess Of JB said:

hi friendz !

1. wat u oll think abt da pop muzik ?
2. do indian pop haz ne quality ?
3. which pop industry iz best n haf quality paki aur western ?
4. y iz paki/western pop iz best ?'

good topic!

1. pakistani pop music is wicked! so much variety these days! so many bands, so many loses track! lol

2. i have not heard one single indian pop song, so i can't comment. i know they're the best at filmi music tho.

3. i think pakistani pop music has better quality, because it blends east and west, whereas western music is very one dimentional. for exmaple: fuzon. they blend eastern classical with western elements. plus...i'm brown...obviously i'll like pakistani pop better!

4. pakistani pop is the best 4 the very reason i stated above! more and more bands and solo singers are blending east and west.
Posted 17 Nov 2004